Aarsha Vidya Foundation Presents Vedic Wisdom Festival

Namaste and welcome to the third edition of the Vedic Wisdom Festival! This time it’s a two day virtual festival, which will be digital and on Zoom inviting people across the world to join us live.

With the theme of Vedic vision for a complete life, the topics include Timeless principles of Dharma for a successful life, Health and Healing through Ayurveda, Wealth and Abundance, Pleasure and Devotion, Recognising your sacredness and interconnectedness, How Hinduism can pave the way forward and much more.

The masters are both traditional and contemporary, Indian and international and include a dynamic mix of some eminent Gurus, traditional practitioners, artists and authors.

Our tradition recognizes that the greatest contribution one can make is the gift of Vidya, knowledge as that is the only thing that grows by giving. Any other resource gets exhausted once it is distributed.

Additionally, this year, given the fear, uncertainty, loneliness and anguish caused by the pandemic world over, it is now, more than ever that we need to look towards our ancient traditional teachings. These have been an antidote over the ages and will help us navigate these challenging times..

Whether it is about management of daily conflicts or the aspiration of being healthy, wealthy and wise or living the good, contemporary life or seeing yourself as Ananda, fullness, The Vedic Wisdom festival is for you. Join us!

Registration opens on 16th November